At Anime Expo 2019, Bandai Namco revealed at the ‘The Future of Digimon’ panel that Digimon Survive has been delayed to 2020. [Thanks, RPG Site!]
Additionally, during the Q&A session, it was revealed that the game’s world is not the Digital World, but an entirely new one. Some of the main inspirations for the game include how Digimon in the anime will respond and even Digivolve differently according to their partners’ emotional response, as well as an idea from Digimon Adventure’s director about a potential origin story for Digimon – spiritual beings that only became communicable with thanks to the digital world.
Finally, an anime-style opening showing off the characters was shown, although the opening has not been uploaded yet.
Digimon Survive will be released on the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 in Japan in 2020. It will be released in North America and Europe in 2020 on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.