Xbox 360

Xbox 360 players get a half price/half content Phantasy Star Universe expansion pack

psu360.jpgOn November 20, Sega is releasing Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus. The expansion adds new areas, customization features, a casino and if you have the right console an offline story mode. Xbox 360 owners who download the 1.75 GB expansion don’t get the offline story mode. However, they only have to pay 1600 Microsoft points ($20) for the pack. Playstation 2 and PC have to shell out $40 at a retail store for a physical package. But the extra $20 gets them an offline episode 2 story mode with new voices and cut scenes.

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I guess you get what you pay for, but it would have been nice if Xbox 360 owners had the option to pay a little more for the offline story mode too.

Siliconera Staff
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