PlayStation 3WiiXbox 360

What your next generation system preference says about you

A new study done with the IGN audience discovered that 36% claim loyalty to the Playstation 3.  Twenty-eight percent favored the Xbox 360 and 22% are interested in Wii. Undecided gamers are a minority, only 14% don’t have a preference for a next generation system. What’s more interesting are the “lifestyle” choices that the survey found. The undecided gamers like role playing games as their preferred genre, people loyal to the Xbox 360 brand like listening to Nirvana and gamers interested in the Wii watch Smallville. The survey also showed that the majority of people prefer the PSP as their handheld of choice. Only people who are looking forward to the Wii like the Nintendo DS more. Seventy percent of the readers who took the survey own a handheld. Check below for graph of gamers preferences by next generation loyalty.

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More information was provided about the small clan of undecided gamers. Their favorite brands include Google, Apple, Coke, Taco Bell, Target and Dell. Undecided gamers also tend to have larger DVD collection, 67% own 20 or more DVDs and 47% of the group are looking forward at buying an HDTV. However, this same group is not the MTV demographic that Microsoft tried to pin down with their Xbox 360 launch show. Only 17% of the undecided gamers watch “Punk’d” and even less watch the Real World. Instead Lost is on their top list of TV shows. Maybe Sony or Nintendo could drop some new consoles on the island and snag this demographic.

Siliconera Staff
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