Wii U

Watch The Director Of La-Mulana Make A Level In Super Mario Maker


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In the latest edition of Polygon’s “Devs Make Mario” video series, La-Mulana and La-Mulana 2 director Takumi Naramura tried his hand at creating his own Super Mario Maker level, despite admitting to not being very familiar with Mario games in general.


“I used the type of traps that spring when Mario approaches, the ones where an enemy falls from above, and tried to build them in with a timing that you don’t see in your usual Mario game,” Naramura said. “I worked hard on that timing, and just when I started to run out of ideas, I began creating a stage that harasses the player—and started having a lot more ideas!”


To hear more of Naramura’s design process, as well as see a full playthrough of his finished level, you can watch the video below.


Super Mario Maker is available for the Wii U.

About The Author
Former Siliconera staff writer and fan of JRPGs.

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