
A Visual Novel Explores A World Where Human Connection Has Broken Down

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In a world of social indifference, alienation, and isolation, visual novel Anomie explores what it would mean to have human connections fall apart, and what would happen if someone tried to force them back together.




Quentin, the protagonist, is being sent to a settlement with several other people from his neighborhood. In this settlement, through abandoning free will, it is hoped that connections will form between people and that it will mean a new future for humanity free of the indifference and solitude that have overtaken the world.



Quentin will meet various characters at the camp, with attitudes ranging from cheerful to arrogant. Over ten hours of play, players will get to know these people, navigating a psychological, philosophical story of the breakdown of the values and culture of a society together with them.




Anomie is raising development funding on Kickstarter for a projected release in early 2017, and is also seeking votes on Steam Greenlight.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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