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To All Mankind Shows Off Some Cute Everyday Scenes With The Girls

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Nippon Ichi Software and Acquire have released two new short videos on Twitter that go into some of the girls’ everyday interactions that continue on despite their transportation into a post-apocalyptic world.


Check out the first one below, featuring Kyoka, Erina, and Isana:



Next is a video featuring the other two girls not seen in the first trailer, Kazumi and Yuyuko:



Nippon Ichi poked fun at themselves, saying that these visual novel story segments aren’t the main meat of the gameplay, and is really just fluff to characterize and have fun. At the same time, you could call it the “main part” of the game, aka seeing the characters interacting with each other.


To All Mankind will release in Japan on June 27, 2019 for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch. Check out the recently announced DLC character Shuka Sukhaya in our previous report here.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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