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The Crest Researcher Hanneman Is The Latest Introduced Character In Fire Emblem: Three Houses

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Hanneman, another teacher at the Officer’s Academy who happens to hold a very deep fascination with the Crests, is the latest introduced character for Fire Emblem: Three Houses.


Hanneman (CV: Kenji Hamada)

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An Officer’s Academy teacher who is a Crest Researcher looking into these mysterious symbols of divine power given by the goddess. He’s usually quite calm, but loses sight of his surroundings when gets absorbed in his studies. He’s especially interested in the protagonist’s Crest, and can’t hide his excitement from his academic curiosity. It seems that he doesn’t get along with his fellow colleague Manuela.


Here’s Hanneman’s introduction in video form:

“You’ve probably already heard about it, but it seems they’re doing a mock battle between the classes. Putting that aside, I haven’t made much progress regarding the studies on your Crest. If you could give me some flesh… no, blood is fine. Please add a few drops into there.”


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While usually only nobles carry the Crests, through Hanneman’s studies the protagonist will find out that they carry a Crest as well. Just how and why is this the case?


The Crests are special symbols that awaken to a select few throughout Fodlan. These are status symbols and emblematic of powers passed down throughout noble families, the descendants of heroes and saints. That said, not every noble child carries a Crest – many live without ever having it.


Check out the previous character introductions for Sothis, Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude, Jeralt, Rhea, Hubert, Dudou, Lorenz, Manuela, Dorothea, Felix, and Hilda.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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