
Tales of Crestoria Introduces Main Story, Battles, And Side Stories With English Voices

Yesterday, Bandai Nacmo released more info on Tales of Crestoria, including an updated main visual with more key characters, and an English introduction video that shows off bits of the main and side stories, as well as the battle system.

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Check out the main visual below, which now have Machina and Kasque, as well as Leon, Milla, and Luke on the bottom:

Check out the English introduction video, which also features some English dubbing below:

For comparison, here’s the Japanese introduction video:

Finally, several shots of the game’s opening movie were shared on Twitter:

Tales of Crestoria is in development for Android and Apple iOS devices. Check out our previous report for a detailed introduction to Machina and Kasque.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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