
Strategically Duel To The Music Of Beatstep Cowboys

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Players have four moves to take them to where their opponent doesn’t expect in Beatstep Cowboys, a strategic duelling game where players will need to kill each other to music.


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Players will have to quickly choose their moves across the grid-like arenas, which will all be executed at once along with the beat of the music that’s playing. This means players will need to try to predict what their opponent will do, countering it with a plan of their own while their opponent does the same thing.


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Players can shoot at each other in local play against their friends or AI opponents using a variety of characters. Twitch players can also link up their channel with someone else’s using the integrated Twitch Plays Mode, which will let two channels duel to see who survives.


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Beatstep Cowboys is currently raising votes on Steam Greenlight. The game’s original game jam version is also still available for free download on GameJolt.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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