
Soak Your Friends In Multiplayer Squirt Gun Shooter Battle Splash’s Open Beta

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Multiplayer water gun shooter Battle Splash has launched a free online beta for players to get their feet wet with, one that is running now until September 22, 12:00 UTC-5.


Battle Splash is a shooter where no one has to get hurt, having players use water pistols, sniper rifles, and rocket launchers to see who can soak the other team first. As these weapons use water, splash damage is a constant threat, but by running around, players can also dry themselves off, healing themselves of any water damage. With up to thirty-two players/AIs per server all vying to shoot each other, though, that may be a challenge.

The open beta brings with it a few new modes on top of what has already been seen in the Alpha. Players have access to a new Paper World map, where everything in the game is made of paper. Two new game modes have also been added beyond Free for All, with Team Tactics Mode taking away instant respawns to make for more tense play, and Team SBot Guidance giving players a giant robot to defeat, which they must then guide to their base once it’s pacified.


Players can try out the Battle Splash open beta alone or online for free by downloading it from Steam.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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