
Skychasers Looks Like A Pretty Hardcore Dogfighting Game

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If you’re a fan of Luftrausers then Skychasers should have immediate appeal. It’s an intense 2D dogfighting game that will have a story campaign with lots of unique mission objectives and boss fights.


The video above shows some early footage (with stock music) of a conflict with a large boss tank that has a variety of devastating attacks. As you can see, you’re able to pull off some very nifty maneuvers in the fighter jet you fly, turning on a dime at will.


The problem is that your jet is fragile and only takes a few hits before it is downed. So mobility is your best defense as rockets, lasers, and bullets are shot at you. Luckily, you aren’t restricted to using a front-facing machine gun either.


Also at your disposal are guided missiles, EMP strikes, rocket hives, and unguided bombs. Plus, you can perform an aileron roll that makes you invulnerable for a brief second – very handy if used correctly.


At the moment, Skychasers is in development for PC. You can keep up with it over on its TIGSource thread.

Chris Priestman
About The Author
Former Siliconera staff writer and fan of both games made in Japan and indie games.

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