PlayStation 3

Sengoku Basara 4 Will Have An Alternate “What If” History Mode

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While the fast paced brawler Sengoku Basara 4 will only grace Sony’s PlayStation 3 next year, more details are being put forth by Capcom on the cast and system. Latest to be unveiled are poster boy Sanada Yukimura, loyal ninja Sarutobi Sasuke and anti-Takeda general Ii Naotora.


From left: Ii Naotora, Sanada Yukimura and Sarutobi Sasuke


There will also be an alternative history mode called Warring Periods Creation Mode, reports game blog Game Jouhou. Here, players will get to choose their own commanders and fight in what-if battles or create their own alternative bouts of army-versus-army action, with the ability to select options such as difficulty, rewards, and even the music.


Sengoku Basara 4 will be out on Sony’s PlayStation 3 in 2014.




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