Sega Game Gear RPG Moldorian Gets Fan Translation

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Moldorian: The Sisters of Light & Darkness was a Sega Game Gear RPG that was released back in 1994 in Japan, that never saw a release overseas. The language barrier has now been broken wide open thanks to a fresh fan translation by TheMajinZenki and his crew.


Moldorian released alongside other classics such as Final Fantasy VI and Earthbound back in the day, and challenged the hardware’s capabilities by using something similar to the ATB system for its combat. The story features typical fare, with protagonist Navarre going off to search for a missing friend and his missing father, but the game also features music by Final Fantasy XII composer Hitoshi Sakamoto. Something quite well known about the game is the ability to become near-broken in the early game through the use of common herbs from mooks that increase your MP cap, and getting the strongest weapons in a short amount of time.


Here are some screenshots below:

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moldorian 4


You can find a link to the translation here.


Moldorian: The Sisters of Light and Darkness was released for Sega Game Gear.

Alistair Wong
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Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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