
Scavenge For Tools, Craft Defenses, And Pray For Dawn In Survival RPG Highrisers

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People have vanished from the cities, replaced with relentless, plodding stalkers known as Dreamers. Four people are still alive, though, and will have to outfit the building they’ve overtaken with scavenged tools, crafter weapons, and researched fortifications in survival RPG Highrisers.




The four survivors will need to find items for every aspect of their base’s defense in Highrisers. This means searching nearby areas and buildings to find items, breaking down furniture and fixtures into necessary parts. They’ll have to take care, as venturing too deep into some areas may wake the Dreamers that are hiding inside.


To make use of those items, players will need to choose from a variety of abilities in each of the characters’ skill trees. As they grow stronger and survive, they’ll gain access to new abilities that let them create different tools and fortifications, using medicine, electronics, chemistry, and other abilities to build various items.




Through a mixture of weapon creation, fortification building, and meal-making, the players will need to pool the skills of all survivors to make it through each deadly night. The Dreamers will start at the bottom of the players’ home base when they attack, testing the strength of the defenses they’ve built until the night ends. Still, will the player survive the next night? And the next?


Highrisers has already passed through Steam Greenlight, is raising funds on Kickstarter, and is set to release in Q4 2017.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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