Rumor: Microsoft In Midst Of Finalizing Deal To Acquire Obsidian Entertainment

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Sources close to Microsoft and Obsidian Entertainment have revealed that Microsoft allegedly is in the midst of finalizing a deal to acquire the independent developer, which is “90%” finished. (Thanks, Kotaku!)


Obsidian Entertainment is known for creating games such as Knights of the Old Republic II, Fallout: New Vegas, and more recently, Pillars of Eternity. Working under Microsoft would ensure that the studio’s projects would have ample funding, as the it has faced closure before in 2012.


Both Microsoft and Obsidian Entertainment have declined to comment on the matter. “Unfortunately, we don’t comment on rumors or speculation other than to say that the Rumors album by Fleetwood Mac still holds up,” said a spokesperson from Obsidian.


One source supposedly commented that Microsoft wants to increase development of PC software, making Obsidian a prime candidate for acquisition. Another person with knowledge of the deal said, “It’s a matter of when, not if.”


Microsoft announced various other studio acquisitions at E3 2018, such as Ninja Theory, The Initiative, Undead Labs, Playground Games, and Compulsion Games. It seems that Obsidian Entertainment might make that six soon.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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