Nintendo 3DS

What RPG Names A Character “John Gorilla”? Metal Max 4 Does.

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Look guys, enough’s enough. How much more madness do you want to fit into one game?


Metal Max 4: Moonlight Diva’s latest video reveal leading up to its release November 11th takes us through several of the game’s huntable wanted monsters, and they’re as varied as they come. Sure, we’ve seen that rocket-equipped triceratops (Apparently called Egon). And yeah, we’ve seen how we can fling tomatoes at the bad guys. But we haven’t seen this.



There’s a mutant crocodile, who keeps on fighting even after its head is cut off. There’s John Gorilla, a golden robot monkey with a mean spiked fist and a head that can rotate 360 degrees while firing off lasers. And there’s the massive, Man-eating… tree! Baobabuga the tree, and his good friends cloud-beast Cloud-Con and more.


Successfully hunting these beasts down nets you the chance at rare items and a large cash payout—not to mention the even larger bounty for these funky monkeys.


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