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Resonance Of Fate Hair Is Technologically Impressive

imageEver wonder how many polygons developer tri-Ace used to create Leanne? Her hair?

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Tri-Ace didn’t reveal exact numbers, but an in-depth report about the game’s ASKA engine at Impress Watch has estimates. Characters, player characters like Vashyron and NPCs, are roughly 30,000 to 40,000 polygons. For male characters, 5,000 of those are used for hair. Female characters, like Leanne, used up to 8,000 polygons. Comparatively, lead characters in PS2 games were made out of 5,000 to 8,000 polygons total.


The article has a look at digital bones or points used for physics. Faces of the lead characters have forty or so bone points while hair, like for Leanne, has 250.


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Impress Watch has much more so hop over to their report ASKA Engine report to see how Resonance of Fate was made.

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