
Red:Out Is Another Futuristic Arcade Racer Aiming To Revive The Genre

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Red: Out is an upcoming futuristic arcade racer from an Italian team that’s all about going as fast as possible in a nuclear-powered hover ship across twisting tracks hoisted above low-poly “futureretro” landscapes, hitting magnetic boosts, and shooting up your opponents.


That description is all well and good, but what you may ask where Red: Out’s personality is as it seems to reiterate what WipEout and F-Zero did years ago, right?


Well, there are a couple of characteristic features. Firstly, it’s set on Mars and its moons, which gives the environments some variety, including a frozen landscape, vast desert plains, and a dirty suburban area.


Perhaps more defining of Red: Out is its physics-based force system. As you race upside down around curves and do double loop-the-loops at 400 km/h, each input and change in trajectory will apply a physical force on  your magnetic hover ship.


This means that you will “feel” the force and will have to battle against it as you’re racing. The game’s title, Red: Out, also refers to the reddening of the field of vision that comes upon a rush of blood to the head from all these forces, so that also plays a part.


Currently, Red: Out is in pre-alpha, so that footage that you can watch up there is all very much a work-in-progress. It’s quite promising given that it is, again, pre-alpha. But I think I’d like to see more personality injected into it still.


It seems that the futuristic arcade racer is on a bit of a comeback, then, doesn’t it? What with The Next Penelope, Formula Fusion, and now Red: Out in development.

Chris Priestman
About The Author
Former Siliconera staff writer and fan of both games made in Japan and indie games.

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