
Red Sun Gamer Episode 3 – The Very Beginning Of Xenoblade Chronicles

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The announcement that Xenoblade Chronicles will be released across Europe this August roused Steve and Martin’s dormant appetite for another helping of Xenoblade gameplay! They first played the game in Japan after its domestic release on June 10, 2010 but this time, they are here to show you the first 49 minutes of unedited gameplay. Those who prefer that “going in fresh” feeling fret not, as the entire quick look takes place on the leg calve of Kyoshin, one of the two Gods. You’ll still have free reign to explore the rest of the anatomy of Kyoshin and Kishin on your own!


Tune in to see their gameplay accompanied with partial translations, running commentary and an explanation of Tetusya Takahashi’s unique battle system. You have the right to know what you may be missing out on! 


This game was played using the Classic Controller Pro.

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