
Recruit Edgar & Sabin In Record Keeper’s Two Sides Of A Coin Event


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From now until June 23, Final Fantasy: Record Keeper players can recruit Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, and Gau, as well as their Memory Crystals in the Two Sides of a Coin event.


The Memory Crystal II for each of these characters, as well as for Setzer, are also available in dungeons of + difficulty or higher.


If players already have already recruited one of these featured characters or a particular memory crystal, they’ll get a Greater Growth Egg instead.


Players can grab the Hall of Rites items Soul of a Hero and Memory Crystal Lode, and a new ability, 5★ Bio Grenade for Machinist, which does two ranged poison attacks on enemies with a moderate chance to poison them, is also available.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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