
Recreating Final Fantasy And Star Ocean Characters In Blade & Soul

Bns Luna 1_zpsp57cwtjq

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Korean MMORPG Blade & Soul is known for having quite an extensive character creation tool. To test it out, NeoGAF member “chozen” decided to attempt to recreate Final Fantasy and Star Ocean 5 characters with it.


Tweaking hairstyles, mouth, nose, and eye shape, size, color, and position, “chozen” was able to get pretty accurate recreations (the one above is Luna from Final Fantasy XV). You can see the results below:


Gentiana (Final Fantasy XV)

Bns Himefu_zpsb6qyz2mk

Noct (Final Fantasy XV)

Bns Noctis 2_zpsgewj5npq

BnS Noctis 1_zpskwoeetud

Luna (Final Fantasy XV)

Bns Luna 2_zpszvaed1ov

Cloud (Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children)

Bns Cloud_zpskez4mwxo

Miki Sauvester (Star Ocean 5)

abns to star ocean pink hair 2_zpssp4w2vgz

abns to star ocena pink hair_zpsyeogoqjo

Fiore Burnelli (Star Ocean 5)

bns to star ocean witch_zps2f3f8wsa

Chris Priestman
About The Author
Former Siliconera staff writer and fan of both games made in Japan and indie games.

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