PlayStation 4Xbox 360

Prismatic Solid Is A Trippy Bullet Hell SHMUP Making Its Way To PS4

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Prismatic Solid is a shoot’em’up bullet hell game that’s being released onto Sony’s PlayStation 4. The game was previously available on Xbox 360, and was announced for the PS4 earlier in the year. We caught a glimpse of it at TGS in the indie booth section.

One of the most interesting things about the game is how your options/powerups work. The more of them you have, the longer their colored noodly strands grow. These can actually help protect you, as they’ll absorb bullets from enemies and make a mini-safe zone.

Actually, without those options screening the ship you’re probably in serious trouble. Some of those bosses bullet patterns look absolutely brutal.

Note: Screenshots and trailer are from the XBox 360 version.


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