PlayStation 4

Persona 5 Royal Shows Off Kasumi’s New Introduction In The Prologue

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Yesterday, Atlus showed off a look at Persona 5 Royal during the livestream, including the prologue of the game, which now includes the use of grappling hooks, and an introduction to Kasumi joining in the fun.


Check it out below (starts: 1:52:39 mark):


Persona 5 Royal releases for PlayStation 4 in Japan on October 31, 2019. The game releases in the West in 2020. The PS4 consoles and controllers will release in Japan on the same date as the game release, and you can check them out here. Check our previous report for a look at the game’s opening animation.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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