Odin Sphere/Actraiser PC Platformer In Needs Your Help

Imagine a world of light and shadow, where things are not what they seem. A world where the line between good and evil isn’t gray… it simply doesn’t exist. And when the most unlikely of beings rises to be a hero, everything that everyone believes appears to spin out of control. This is The Light of the Darkness.

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The characters are at the heart of The Light of the Darkness. The concept of “good vs. evil”  which is prevalent in so many games of today has been replaced by something far more dubious: perception. The perceptions and motivations of each character are what drive their decisions, not being aligned to one particular side. For example, Christines, Daughter of Supremacy could be considered good, but a decision she full heartedly believes is right is what some would consider evil.  Mendriak, in both appearance and responsibility, looks the part of being evil and just might be. After encountering someone like himself, yet so different he’s forced to ask himself: If Sephius, the protagonist, can be different, why can’t I?


It’s only fitting that if you’re going to create a unique world you need the right engine to do it. Epifanica needed something flexible, something multiplatform. The design team also wanted the game to move and flow in a way to complement the story and for that they required solid physics. How can a developer do this with a small budget? You use Flash wrapped in the Citrus Engine. The Citrus Engine integrates Flash with the physics engine Box2D.  No other flash engines supported Box2D did at the time and it was a bold move. One that may pay off if The Light of the Darkness moves forward.



See, The Light of the Darkness is currently a Kickstarter project. Users have to pre-fund the game for development to continue. Pledging $5 will get you a copy of the PC game at launch while $150 will put you in the game as a statue. Epifanica set a target of $22,000 for initial funding and with three days to go they are under $16,000. The way Kickstarter works is only developers only receive money if they reach their goal.


So, with less than three days to go would you fund The Light of the Darkness?


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