Nintendo’s Treehouse Log Has Started Over On Tumblr


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Nintendo of America’s Treehouse group, a division of the company responsible for translating many titles into English, has been casting aside its reclusive reputation over the years, participating in live streams and events. Now the group has branched out further to other aspects of social media with the recent opening of its new Treehouse Log over on Tumblr.


According to Nintendo’s Bill Trinen, the Log will “offer insight into games and franchises you love, presented from a unique Treehouse perspective.”


Here’s more on the Log from Trinen:


“I realize that we can’t yet really say with certainty what exactly the Nintendo Treehouse Log will become. What I can say is that it will be a place where we’ll post content periodically, rather than on a set schedule. The content will offer insight into games and franchises you love, presented from a unique Treehouse perspective. We may not cover every game or every IP, and we won’t pull the curtain all the way back, but our hope is that the Nintendo Treehouse Log will evolve into something fans will enjoy”.


In addition, you can visit the Treehouse Log on Tumblr here.

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Former Siliconera staff writer and fan of JRPGs.

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