PlayStation 3

New White Knight Story Information

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Famitsu has posted some new information regarding that one game a majority of us were wowed by at the Tokyo Game Show 06, White Knight Story. Level 5 is hard at work to bring this game in a nice, viewable and playable show for Tokyo Game Show 07. Furthermore, the game will feature a main character customization tool where players can map the game's main character in game and mirror him to look like you or anyone around you. Whether or not you want to do that is totally up to you, but this sounds like a neat feature. Famitsu also has some new images, which can also be seen at IGN, of the game.


The most interesting part of the piece, though, is how Level 5 has something even better to show at TGS this year. I wonder what it could be. 

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Former Siliconera staff writer who enjoys JRPGs.

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