
New Video Showcases Monster Hunter Movie Rathalos and Diablos

Monster Hunter Movie Rathalos

Last week, the upcoming Monster Hunter movie made it back into the news cycle thanks to a new trailer that showcased some of its characters fighting a monster. Earlier today, viewers were afforded yet another opportunity to see what they can expect from the Monster Hunter movie’s creatures ahead of its new December, 2020 release date, particularly Rathalos and Diablos.

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In the video, the film’s director, Paul W.S. Anderson, asks Kaname Fujioka and Ryozo Tsujimoto for their opinions regarding the adaptation’s depiction of iconic creatures. Fujioka and Tsujimoto worked for Capcom as the series’ director and producer, respectively, so their opinion likely holds a lot of weight. The two of them seemed to approve of the designs, but you can see for yourself in the following video (Thanks, IGN!).

Anderson, who previously helped adapt other Capcom projects when he directed the Resident Evil films, had sat down with the company multiple times to fine tune these creatures. He and the film’s star, Mila Jovovich, are also reportedly fans of the Monster Hunter series. In an interview given earlier this year, it was revealed that her character, Artemis, uses the same weapons Jovovich uses in the games.

The film was originally due out on September 4, 2020, but is now expected to release “only in theaters” on December of this year.

Benjamin Maltbie
About The Author
Benjamin is a staff writer from Upstate New York who has spent the past five years learning to survive the summers of Phoenix, Arizona. When he isn't playing video games, he is rambling at length about tabletop RPGs or diving down rabbit holes on Wikipedia. He has been writing about video games for the last twelve years and can't imagine stopping anytime soon.

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