
New Shiness Screenshots Introduce The Five Playable Characters

French game studio Enigami has release new screenshots from its upcoming RPG Shiness, which is due out for PC in 2016.

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These screenshots show you the game’s five playable characters and with them comes a small profile of each:

  • Chado, a young and adventurous Waki able to communicate with a spirit from nature, the Shiness, and who masters the element of Earth
  • Poky, an engineering genius able to repair anything mechanical, who is able to manipulate magnetic fields and electrical currents
  • Kayenne is a powerful Shelk warrior, who harnesses the psychic gif of Telekinesis; with this power, he may interact with the environment remotely, or paralyze enemies in battle
  • Askel is a fearsome mercenary, whose whip is destructive in combat, but is also useful during exploration to retrieve items normally out of reach
  • Rosalya use the Fire element to disperse darkness, reveal hidden items or enemies, or inflict heavy damage during combat

Enigami adds that it’s important in Shiness that you understand the role of each character in your team both during exploration and in the 1v1 combat.

“Once in the arena, it’s up to you to adopt the best timing for chain punches, kicks, magic attacks and destructive combos,” writes Enigami. “During these duels, your companions can intervene to replace the lead fighter, or help them when required.”

You can also have your teammates heal you and cast spells to boost your strength at the start of every fight.  when your health is down or to cast a spell to boost your strength at the start of every fight. Each character is also assigned “Elemental affinities” that can be used to weaken certain enemy types.

Chris Priestman
About The Author
Former Siliconera staff writer and fan of both games made in Japan and indie games.

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