
Necromancer– The RPG/Strategy Game That Makes You The Bad Guy


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Necromancer, an upcoming game by Other Worlds Software, is a unique RPG/strategy game that allows players to play as the “bad guy” while fighting off heroes. The main goal of the game is to summon hordes undead creatures in order take over the world. However, there are powerful bands of modern day heroes who don’t really want to see that happen. In order to beat Necromancer, quick thinking, strategic planning, and leveling up the right things are necessary.


Recently, I sat down Other Worlds Software’s animator, Russ Jarvis, to talk about the project. One of the things I wanted to know about is how the enemies heroes will operate. Do they work as a team? Are there different classes? Will they level-up? The answers: yes, yes, and yes.


There are a multitude of different heroes, and they will come in different combinations for each level.  “We want to explore the way the heroes will work together,” explained Russ. For example, there might be “a guy with a flamethrower and a sniper rifle guy” working together in one level to crush your hordes.


Since there are several different classes, each combination of heroes will make you change your strategies to defeat them. There are long-ranged enemies, short-ranged enemies, berserker types… you name it. Currently, there is even a Shaun on the Dead type character.


“This hero uses a cricket bat and throws the vinyl records that they throw, and will quote a couple of lines here and there… we plan to do a lot of this, as well as the political satire. Plan to makes a lot of references to memes and all the rest of it,” said Russ.


“What we don’t want is the sort of game… that you get a winning tactic. There is no adaptability for the player. We want the player to think on there feet for this.” And the longer a level drags on, the more thinking the player will have to do.



Each time a hero slices down one of your zombies, he or she will get some experience points. Eventually, when they get enough, they will level up, which is very bad for you.


“[The leveling up] in itself adds a decent amount of tactics to the game… The attack speed and the damage that they do increases… Each hero and each zombie has its standard attack and then every so often depending on how powerful the attack is and depending on the level of the hero they do a more powerful secondary attack… You can’t just spam the heroes and think that eventually I’ll can overcome them.”


This element makes the game more fast-paced and strategic. Not only do you have to defeat the heroes quickly so that they do not gain too many levels, but you can’t just feed them kills either. Instead, you have to rely on using stronger zombies or spells.


At the end of each level, the player has the option purchase new minions, spells, and upgrades using resources that are based on how efficiently the previous level was completed. There are an array of different things to buy. Maybe you want to get the powerful vampire to rip the heroes to shreds, or maybe you want to get an enfeeble curse. Or, maybe you want to upgrade the number of weak minions you can have on the field and then buy a vigor spell so you can boost their defenses. The choice is yours, and it can deeply affect the strategy and outcome of the next level.


The game can become even more strategic and fun if you choose to play it multiplayer. Necromancer’s multiplayer will feature up to four players summoning minions against larger amounts of heroes. Communication is key. One friend can bulk up on the minions, while another can bulk up on the speed or strength spells, giving the minions a huge boost. This type of teamwork is what can ultimately win you or cost you the game.


Necromancer has recently received its required funding from Kickstarter, and is well on its way to being finished. Currently, there is a demo that features a slightly older build (placeholder heroes and outdated graphics).


Necromancer has plans to be released on Android, Mac, PC, and possibly iOS. Check out Necromancer’s Facebook page for more info.


Other Worlds Software is comprised an enthusiastic and motivated team of people: animator and co-designer Russ Jarvis, programmer and co-designer Carl Benjamin, and  modeler Giuseppe Constantino. They currently have plans for other innovative games, including an MMO in the future. They received help from Dark Anatomy and Many Worlds on the 2-D art for Necromancer, and Tommy Fanton helped with the music.


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