
Moon Hunters, Where You Strengthen Your Character With Choice, Available Now

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Moon Hunters, a 1-4 player mixture of action game and personality test, has released on Steam, GOG, and for $14.99.




In Moon Hunters, up to 4 players can pick one of six character classes in their attempts to free the moon goddess from her imprisonment. This will involve battering monsters in a top-down style through a randomly-generated world, using the unique ranged and melee attacks of their character.




The game uses RPG-like stats, but rather than tie their growth into combat, characters only improve by making decisions and having conversations with NPCs. Stat growth comes with guiding the character’s personality in moral decisions, with each decision giving a bonus to different stats.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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