
Is That Metal Gear Solid’s Raiden In This Plants Vs. Zombies Clone?

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It sure looks like Metal Gear Solid’s Raiden standing there, ready to defend your, er, garden pots, in upcoming smartphone game Kami Wars. And perhaps because he’s really angry at possibly getting his IP infringed on, there’s an equally angry Sunflower monster marching down the paths hoping to gnaw off your face as well.


(Not really.)



At first glance, Kami Wars seems be lifting elements right out of Plants Vs. Zombies, with the exact same side-way laning of enemies and your own troop placemen to defend against them. It even has you placing troops down based on resource costs in a similar fashion while planted resource gatherers slowly garner you sun energy mana.


Your placed troops are card-based units ranging from cheap common grunts to ultra rares. These cards bear illustrations featuring your regular gamut of pretty boys and overly-equipped woman.



Ostensibly, however, there’s more to it than that. Kami Wars will also include spirit pet farming and card combining actions. The latter makes troops either more powerful or evolve them to enhanced versions of themselves.


Kami Wars will be out on iOS and Android sometime mid-2014.


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