
Mega Man Series Produccer Talks About What Makes Mega Man X Dive So Different

tsuchiya 1

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Capcom Taiwan has released a new video which interviews Mega Man series producer Kazuhiro Tsuchiya regarding the upcoming smartphone title Mega Man X Dive.


In the video, Tsuchiya talks about what makes X Dive different from the other games in the series, including the inclusion of co-op and PvP, and the customization elements present as well.


Check out the interview below:


Mega Man X DiVE is in development for iOS and Android. You can read more about X Dive’s navigator Reploid, RiCO, as well as PvP and Co-op, here.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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