
Mega Man III Is Explored In-Depth In Boss Fight Books’ Newest Title

Boss Fight Books’ newest title, Mega Man III, delves deep into the ambitions that went into the game’s creation, from its new bosses, new canine pal, new friend/foe, and the strange, downcast tone that ran counter to the explosive energy of the music of previously-released Mega Man II.

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Written by novelist/English professor Salvatore Pane, the book also explores the modern desire for challenging, fast-paced shooters, as well as the rise of Emulation and the YouTube retrogaming scene. It details the game’s development while offering a little insight on why it’s looked back on so fondly by many, even over Mega Man II’s colossal popularity.

The book is available now through Boss Fight Books.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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