Meet the characters of .hack//GU Vol. 2: Reminisce

Namco Bandai is about to release the second installment of the .hack//GU series next month. Before you pick up the game have a look at some of the heroes that Haseo, the main character will encounter in the second chapter of the three part series.

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Haseo (Adept Rogue) – Haseo is the leader of the battle party. At the start of the game, he can wield both dual swords and broadswords, and later gains a third weapon type, the scythe. Versatile and powerful, Haseo is a force to be reckoned with.



Atoli (Harvest Cleric) – Atoli is the one character in your group suited to healing and support. She wields a staff in battle and isn’t afraid to smack any enemies who get close to her. Some of the difficult enemies will overwhelm her up close, so be sure to keep her safe so she can keep your group healed and fighting. Also, keep an eye on Atoli’s SP. She can run out quickly if you’re not careful.


Kuhn (Steam Gunner) – Kuhn adds many things to a group with his steam gun. His attacks are specialized for long-range combat and are capable of knocking enemies backwards. Kuhn is best suited for attacking flying enemies as well as those who like to run away to cast spells from a distance. He also makes a decent backup healer once he learns a few healing spells. Kuhn’s long-range positioning in battles makes it easier for him to cast heals without interruption.


Pi (Tribal Grappler) – Pi uses her fists to dish out many hits in combo attacks. While she does possess high agility and HP, her defense is fairly low, so armored and aerial enemies give her a hard time. Pi works well in any group combination but partnering Atoli, Sakubo, Gaspard, or Kuhn with her will balance the group for any type of enemy encounter.


Silabus (Blade Brandier) – Silabus fights with a sword similar to a katana. While not particularly strong in any areas, he is powerful ally to add to the group. Attacking the same enemies Silabus is fighting will charge the group’s Morale gauge faster. Together with Pi and Haseo, the group will be able to use more Awakenings.

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