
LUNA: The Shadow Dust Comes To Life With Traditional Animation

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Luna: The Shadow Dust, a point & click game created with traditional animation techniques, frame by frame, is raising funds on Kickstarter and looking for votes on Steam Greenlight.




Lost memories, best friends from different worlds, and a world out-of-balance set the stage for Luna: The Shadow Dust. Players will use two on-screen characters to solve the game’s puzzles, doing so using a wordless action system that will ensure the game is understood no matter what language the player speaks.




To ensure its cartoon visuals look the best they can, the developers are using traditional animation techniques, drawing out every single frame of movement and motion. This is time-consuming and expensive, but the effect is visuals much like that of animated films and shows from before computer animation.




A demo of the point & click game is available to download or play online from the developer’s site.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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