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Lost Planet 2 Demo Giveaway – Day 4 [360]


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And so, we arrive at the fourth and final day of the Lost Planet 2 demo code bonanza. I have to admit, it’s always a little awe-inspiring when you see just how diverse — after wading through the sea of Nguyens of course — a site’s readership can be. At first, you just think, “Wow, there’s a ton of nerds in the world!” (who else would read a site like ours?)


But then, it dawns on one that all of these people and more read our rambling on the site everyday, and reinforces just how important it us for us to keep our standards high and be professional.


…what’s that? Shut up and get on with the giveaway already? Oh, all right…


1. If you want a demo code, all you need to do is make a post in the current Facebook demo thread (older ones will be deleted once winners from that thread are announced). Ten winners will be selected at random from the latest thread. In case you’re wondering, we use the useful to help pick winners.

2. Don’t post in a thread that pertains to a console you don’t own! ( ´Д`)


Click here to try your luck for a 360 demo code!


And here are yesterday’s PS3 code winners. Congratulations!


Adam Dork
Michael Le
Daniel Chen
Diego Basualto
Charles Lupula
Adam Maggio
Rafael Yukio
Jeremy Jack
James Navongsak
T.J. Harken

Ishaan Sahdev
About The Author
Ishaan specializes in game design/sales analysis. He's the former managing editor of Siliconera and wrote the book "The Legend of Zelda - A Complete Development History". He also used to moonlight as a professional manga editor. These days, his day job has nothing to do with games, but the two inform each other nonetheless.

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