
A Liar’s Life Is Forever Changed By A Mysterious Email In One Thousand Lies

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One Thousand Lies, a free visual novel on and Android, has players living the life of Ciarán, a known liar, writer, and student whose life is changed by a mysterious email.




One Thousand Lies tells a straightforward story, requiring no decisions from the player as they move through the dialogue. Moving through the narrative, they will watch the somewhat tense bond between the characters grow, enduring a constant barrage a lighthearted abuse from Ciarán’s ‘friends’ as he learns about life and love.




One Thousand Lies is also looking for votes on Steam Greenlight for an eventual Steam release, which will also be free.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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