
The Letter’s Animated Trailer Introduces The Characters Who Will Endure Its Horrors

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A new, animated trailer has released for The Letter, letting players meet its seven characters in more peaceful times before dropping them within the confines of a haunted 17th century English mansion.




The trailer shows the characters going about their daily lives, smiling and happy in the sunshine, before taking them into a mansion filled with unsettling ghosts and evil presences. The seven people soon find themselves trapped there by an old curse, one that has placed dangerous beings within its ancient halls.


Players will have control over seven characters as they play through The Letter, with the actions they take with them having an effect on the story of the others across the five hundred thousand word narrative. These events may not necessarily happen in chronological order, so any action can have unintended effects on past and future, breaking relationships or leading some characters to ruin.




The Letter promises quicktime events, monstrous presences, and a great deal of player choice when it arrives in Q2 of this year. Players can continue to follow its development through its Kickstarter page or on its Steam page.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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