Nintendo 3DS

Latest Bravely Second Trailer Goes Over The 1-Turn Victor Victory Streak

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Nintendo has shared a new video going over Bravely Second: End Layer’s battle system. Being to wipe out a round of basic enemies in one turn isn’t uncommon in JRPGs, and Bravely Second has a system that rewards parties capable of doing so.


If you are a 1-Turn Victor and defeat all foes in a single turn, you’ll have an option to go through additional fights, earning bonus multipliers for maintaining a successful Victory Streak. This is an all-or-nothing feature, as losing a fight causes you to lose all accumulated bonuses. Brave Points spent in one consecutive battle will not be immediately restored at the outset of the next.


The video also goes over the auto-battle function, custom special moves, and summoning heroes you’ve acquired via StreetPassing. Auto-battle can be enabled in Bravely Second to speed up the process. When someone chooses this option, they can repeat previous commands or choose from three different, established movesets. Custom special moves, which you can use after performing certain actions in battle, can have effects and catchphrases altered. As for StreetPassing, it’s possible to pull other people’s characters in for a single attack, as in the original Bravely Default.


Bravely Second: End Layer will come to the Nintendo 3DS in North America on April 15, 2016.

Jenni Lada
About The Author
Jenni is Editor-in-Chief at Siliconera and has been playing games since getting access to her parents' Intellivision as a toddler. She continues to play on every possible platform and loves all of the systems she owns. (These include a PS4, Switch, Xbox One, WonderSwan Color and even a Vectrex!) You may have also seen her work at GamerTell, Cheat Code Central, Michibiku and PlayStation LifeStyle.

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