Kojima Tweets About Fox Engine And… The Phantom Pain?

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Hideo Kojima recently took to Twitter to post a few tweets about his studio’s proprietary “Fox Engine,” the technology upon which most Kojima Productions games will be built for the foreseeable future.


“Currently I’m working on the challenge (which I’m going to announce at GDC) on the production procedure over FOX engine,” Kojima tweeted. “I strongly believe making the artificial waxwork look real or lively and making real person’s expression ASAP over CG share much of common.”


He continued: “Concept of "FOX Engine" is photorealism. I think the era of sticking to graphic or sound is over. How you freely play, connect to Internet, pleasantly play is the important point but at the same time min level of realism is needed still. We at KJP aim making look like in real even when looking at reduced game screen for the simple model.”


In another tweet, Kojima stated: “Which platformer [note: he means “platform”] or carrier will win? Which company we shall strengthen our relationship?" Those are the indication that business man in this industry foresees the future path. As technology advances, it will come out from lab and spread into our everyday life. Creators should focusing on such future for their work.”


A few hours later, Kojima tweeted the image below. If you click to enlarge the image, you’ll notice the title of the video being edited is “TPP_GDC2013_720p_ESRB”. That probably has something to do with The Phantom Pain.


Ishaan Sahdev
About The Author
Ishaan specializes in game design/sales analysis. He's the former managing editor of Siliconera and wrote the book "The Legend of Zelda - A Complete Development History". He also used to moonlight as a professional manga editor. These days, his day job has nothing to do with games, but the two inform each other nonetheless.

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