
Japanese SRPG For Whom The Alchemist Exists To Bring Its Tactical Battles Worldwide

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The Alchemist Code, a worldwide release of Japanese strategy RPG For Whom The Alchemist Exists, will bring players into 3D battles against opposing forces in a world that’s at the mercy of the Gods and the Seven Deadly Sins.

The Alchemist Code - Hero Image

Featuring Shōji Kawamori (Macross series, Aquarion) as animation director and Yoko Shimomura (Kingdom Hearts, Street Fighter II) providing music and The Alchemist Code’s theme song, the game will have players working through a story of a clash of ideals, with Logi wanting power to protect people who need it, and Dias striving for strength to change the world to their own ends.

Players will control customizable units, dictating jobs, elements, and abilities to create a fighting crew that suits their battle strategies and the challenges of each battle. Players will then have to use these units in a 3D environments where height and positioning matter, giving players the ability to use the terrain to their advantage.

The Alchemist Code - Logo

The Alchemist Code will be available for free upon release (with in-app purchases) for iOS and Android. More details on The Alchemist Code can be found on the game’s Facebook page.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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