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Hideki Kamiya Would Like To Make A Bayonetta Spin-Off For 3DS Starring Jeanne

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PlatinumGames’ Hideki Kamiya just wrapped up development of The Wonderful 101, which he worked on as director. To date, most of Kamiya’s games have been for consoles. 101 aside, he’s worked on Resident Evil 2, Devil May Cry, Okami, Viewtiful Joe and Bayonetta.


At the Penny Arcade Expo, Siliconera asked Kamiya if he would be interested in developing a Nintendo 3DS game, given Platinum’s ongoing relationship with Nintendo. Kamiya had not one, but two ideas he said he’s like to work on, given the opportunity.


“Given the chance, I’d like to make a game based on Jeanne from Bayonetta,” Kamiya replied. “Something that’s not as big in scale. Something that’s portable, that you could play in quick sessions, where she’s a history teacher and the kind of fun things that could come out of a scenario like that.”


He added, “If I could get away with it, I’d also like to come up with a spin-off of Okami, less focused on the grand idea of saving the world, but [rather] something focused on the smaller world of the fairy Issun.”


A Bayonetta side-story for 3DS sounds fun, especially with the kind of whacky scenario Kamiya described. If not Bayonetta, hopefully he will be given the chance to work on a Nintendo 3DS game someday.


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