Nintendo Switch

Here’s How Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Recreates Super Smash Bros. 64 Stages


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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is bringing back most of the stages from the Nintendo 64’s Super Smash Bros., and Masahiro Sakurai mentioned how the development team painstakingly recreated the stages in the name of nostalgia. But how do they actually stack up? A new video comparison shows how. (Thanks, GameXplain!)


It seems that most of the returning stages have been given a faithful makeover, except for Mushroom Kingdom, which has been changed to look more like the version we saw in Super Mario Maker. You can see the video below:


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate launches for Nintendo Switch on December 7, 2018.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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