
Help A Little Puzzle-Solving Witch Save Bunnies In Witchway

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Witchway casts the player as a little witch, one who will need to use her magic wand to escape a dungeon buried in a well with as many lost bunnies as she can get in her hat.




Various machines and devices lie dormant in this dark dungeon, and the player can use their magic wand to manipulate them to move around traps, activate doors, or generally open a path for themselves. Each can be simply activated using the wand, but all offer different types of puzzles and movements to keep the player thinking.


Players will also need to rescue lost bunnies they find along their route. They are hiding all over the place, so it’ll be up to the player to search extensively so that no rabbit is left behind.




Witchway is available now on

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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