
Gundam Port Yokohama Will Extend the Life-Size Robot Attraction

Gundam Port Yokohama

To celebrate the extension of the life-size movable Gundam attraction in Yokohama, Bandai will set up Gundam Port Yokohama from February 19 to March 13, 2022. While people have to buy tickets to view the life-size Gundam up close, anyone can enter the extended venue in Yokohama Bay Area for free.

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The venue will feature more attractions and displays related to the Gundam franchise. Some of the highlights include a reproduction of the White Base’s bridge, a prototype scanner to bring Gunpla into virtual battles, and a Gunpla runner recycling center. It will also have limited giveaways of an exclusive RX-78-2 Gundam card for the new arcade game Mobile Suit Gundam: Arsenal Base.

Some of the venue’s attractions will feature content outside of the original 1979 Mobile Suit Gundam show. There will be a projection mapping featuring the Unicorn Gundam, a floating balloon of Gundam SEED‘s Freedom Gundam, and an Iron-Blooded Orphans photo spot where visitors can take a picture with Mikazuki Augus and Orga Itsuka.

Gundam Factory Yokohama originally appeared in December 2020, and Bandai initially planned to close the venue on March 31, 2022. However, on January 28, 2022, it announced a one-year extension to the attraction. The company and city officials made the decision after receiving many requests from people, both inside and outside of Japan, who could not visit the venue due to the pandemic.

Gundam Port Yokohama will appear from February 19 to March 13, 2022. The primary life-size Mobile Suit attraction at Gundam Factory Yokohama will remain open until March 31, 2023.

Kite Stenbuck
About The Author
Kite is a Japanese translator and avid gamer from Indonesia, Southeast Asia who learned the language mostly by playing Japanese games from the PS1 era. He primarily translates news about Japanese games and anime straight from Japan. After initially starting with a focus on Dynasty Warriors communities from the mid-2000s, he eventually joined Siliconera in 2020. Other than Dynasty Warriors, Kite is also a big fan of Ace Combat and other games featuring mechs, especially Gundam.

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