Guilty Gear’s Sol Badguy Isn’t Such A Bad Guy In Chaos Heroes Online

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Chaos Heroes Online is the kind of multiplayer battle arena (more commonly called a MOBA) game that we’d love to play. Or at least, the Japanese version. Why? Because Sega keeps injecting regular infusions of new collaboration-worked heroes to use. A recent update, for instance, brings in Guilty Gear’s titular Sol Badguy as a playable character.


Sega brought the game to Japan earlier this year after picking up the license and localizing the game from Korean developers Neoact, and have been busy ever since. The last collaboration brought in Ulala and Evila from Space Channel 5 (Which were re-skins of in-game characters) while an even earlier one brought on board Valkyria Chronicles characters Alicia Melchiott and Selveria Bles.



There’s also a teaser that a second collaboration character from the Guilty Gear series will make its way to the game too. Which character do you guys think it is?


Chaos Heroes Online is out now on PC in Japan.


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