Nintendo 3DS

Groom Your Own Idol Princess In Aikatsu! My Two Princesses


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Namco Bandai has updated its groom-your-own-dream-girl game for young female gamers with upcoming sequel title Aikatsu! My Two Princesses.


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The goal in Aikatsu is to groom two different user-created girls to superstardom as idols in two separate schools – Starlight and Dream Academy. In order to advance, each girl will have to successfully pass solo auditions each to unlock special modes. In turn, they will then unlock special band audition challenges.


These challenges involve face-offs against rival idol girls equally ready to claw their way to the top, such as Otoshiro Seira and Saegusa Kii (below left and right respectively)  in mini-games and rhythm melody beat-battles. The two different schools will have separate mini-games to keep things fresh for players.


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Four of the mini-games have been shown off so far: Autograph signing lessons, where players have to quickly trace the requested autograph, scoring points for speed and accuracy; and Posing lessons where players will have to snap a shot at just the right moment on a moving bar for the “perfect shot”.


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Phone decoration lessons, where players will have to properly decorate their handphones with mock precious sticker stones (A popular way to personalize phones in Japan and other parts of Asia) and finally a Simon-says Makeup lesson. Players have to quickly trace the blocks to create the right tone of makeup needed.


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During music auditions, gameplay swaps to music rhythm style modes, with players having to hit buttons in time with music and on-screen prompts. The music, said Namco Bandai, will include popular songs from both its arcade card game and anime versions, set to some 10 background stages at launch. Familiar characters from the previous series such as Shibuki Ran, Hoshimiya Ichigo and Kiriya Aoi will also appear as allies or rivals.


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Shibuki Ran, Hoshimiya Ichigo and Kiriya Aoi


Pre-purchase presents include an IC Card and three limited edition clothes options for the arcade game version, which uses scanned cards.



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Aikatsu! My Two Princesses will launch for the Nintendo 3DS November 21 in Japan.


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