PlayStation 4

Gravity Rush And Siren Artists Bring Exclusive Content To Killzone: Shadow Fall In Japan

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With Japan’s launch date nearing for the PlayStation 4, launch title Killzone: Shadow Fall is also gunning up the engine with exclusive stuff for the Japanese gamers.


Early birds will be able to snag some exclusive drone skins that we mentioned last time—and the first batch are confirmed to be from Gravity Rush’s Shunsuke Saito and Siren’s Miki Takahashi. You can check them out below.


Shunsuke Saito’s:



Miki Takahashi’s:


In addition to these, picking up the game early will also net you a soundtrack CD, special multiplayer action and even more drone skins below, which include a Stars and Stripes set (which looks very Captain America); Shark, which reminds me more of Macross’ Skull Squadron; and Guerilla.






Killzone Shadow Fall will be released in Japan on February 22, 2014 for PlayStation 4.


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