
Give zombies bullets in House of the Dead: Overkill

Sega has a brand new House of the Dead game and it isn’t coming from Wow/AM1, the team that makes the arcade games. Headstrong Games, a London branch of Kuju Entertainment, is handling the development of House of the Dead: Overkill. The game is being developed specifically for the Wii and naturally it includes some degree of motion control. You get to swing the remote to pistol whip approaching zombies. Young Agent G and hardboiled Detective Washington have other abilities like switching to slow motion and an Evil Eye to spot destructible objects in the environment.

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House of the Dead: Overkill expands on the campy b-movie feel with this trailer that seems like it’s from a 1970s low budget horror flick.




Sega Europe and Sega America plan to release House of the Dead: Overkill in early 2009. While the trailer looks sharp the still screenshots look bland. Headstrong Games still half a year to polish the game and keep the franchise growing to pave way for House of the Dead 4 on the Wii.








Images courtesy of Sega.

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