PlayStation Vita

Get On Board The Freedom Wars Preorder Train With These Goodies

Freedom Wars is due out June 26th in Japan, and we’ve already seen the limited edition with Propa-Kun mascot. Below are more pre-order bonuses from shops. It seems they really want you to be happy toting the game home, with many offering variants of tote bags.

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Edion gets a cool smartphone stand.

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GEO picks up a “Freedom” book/organizer.


Tsutaya has a tote bag.


Furi1Online picks up another version of a tote bag.


Nojima gets a IC card sticker.


Bic Camera, Sofmap and Kojima all get the same, a cotton bag.


Yamada Denki gives us a Japanese-style folding fan.


And Yodobashi gets another cotton bag.



Freedom Wars is headed to PlayStation Vita June 26th, with a demo on the 12th of June. A Western release has been announced, but no release date has been set yet.


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